Okay, so... Kristen Stewart featured in
teenVOGUE. I must say I'm pretty excited about
Twilight opening this weekend, but I am rather hesitant about Kristen's Bella. And no, I'm not some obsessed fangirl shooting her down because she is the romantic interest of Robert Pattinson. From what I remember from
Panic Room she was decent, and I enjoyed her in
In the Land of Women, but COME ON! Judging from the trailer, her performance is rather cringe-worthy. As cringe-worthy as Daniel Radcliffe in
The Prisoner of Azkaban:
And we all know that *shudders* horrific scene. Dear lord, I have to fast-forward through THAT every time I watch the film.
Anyway, back to the article and photoshoot. The clothes were cute, especially a PRPS black leather motorcycle jacket paired with a white Prada tee shirt with costume-jewelry-like embellishment, and this Karen Walker acid-washed dress. However, I am kind of bummed that this look wasn't included in the final set of photos:

I WANT that cardigan! And
teenvogue.com doesn't even say what brand! I have half a mind to just email them and
demand they tell me who makes this wonderful garment, even if I know I can't afford it! Still, it would look great with dark straight leg jeans, flats, and my Chanel bag...
So, I will be seeing Twilight when it opens on Friday, and I will just reserve my judgement of Kristen until after the film is finished. After all, if teenVOGUE calls her the "perfect Bella" then perhaps whoever edited the trailer just picked the worst scenes of all time the movie.