Okay, so I've started to enjoy Twitter, mainly for the fashion sites and blogs who regularly update with me with exclusive sales and the like. I found a series of interesting posts from Ideeli.
Like, the worst jeans in the world.
I can't decide which ones are more unforgivable.

These, apparently, are big in Japan... the "Bikini Jean." Now, I don't know who in the world would ever want to wear these and be taken seriously. They are beyond trash. Like WAY beyond. They are by a Japanese company called Sanna, which makes another pair of unfortunate jeans they've deemed as "the lowest in the world." See below...
I mean, how could you even fucking sit down in these? Do these people actually think that ass-cleavage is sexy? Because I can assure you that it isn't. Whoever designed these jeans is either on crack or a dude, either one of them with about as much class as a drunken beer-bellied redneck or a stripper. If you've never heard of having to get a bikini wax simply to wear jeans, well... now you have.
Oh but wait, it gets worse. Good lord does it ever get worse.
The "Winking Jeans." By some "artist" names William Jones. They are supposed to wink at you when you walk, but in order for them to work you need to have some "junk in the trunk." However, if you are going to cater to those women that possess such "junk" shouldn't you make a more flattering jean? And who the fuck wants eyes painted on their ass? I sure as hell don't. And apparently, Jones hasn't stopped with the eyes. Oh no, he has even made jeans with ducks painted on and they are supposed to give the illusion of opening and closing their beaks and quacking...(?!)
If you'd like to read more, you can click here. But I would suggest otherwise.
Good GOD.
Unfortunately, I don't think any NIN photo can save this post. Even if it consists of special guest Peter Murphy (of Bauhaus) hanging upside down, during a performance of "Reptile". I think that may be one of my favorite songs =)