Fuck this blog.
Actually just the posts pertaining to weddings. Since my last post I have broken off an engagement AND ended a relationship. But the purpose of this blog is not to rant about my romantic personal life (seeing as how I currently have no romantic life to speak of). Unless you count my undying love for fashion. Boyfriend, fiancés, husbands... they come and they go. But that perfect LBD or pair of Loubs OR, even better still, that vintage Chanel bag you've wasted countless hours obsessing over and saving what-should-have-been-rent-money for... those will last forever.
If only the last part of that statement were true.
During my engagement I did, however, come to the realization that I love jewelry. And now that I no longer wear an engagement ring everyday I have begun (obsessively compulsively) filling that void with even more jewelry than I think I've ever owned or donned.

Ring: Jennifer Lopez Collection for Kohl's, $24.00