I want a pair of gladiators (or equivalent) for summer. But being as picky as I am I have a couple specifications; 1) I want them in black, and 2) the footbed and soles have to be soft. In other words they can't be what I like to call floor-clappers, shoes that supposedly have a rubber sole but they sound like plastic and snap the floor annoyingly when you walk. You know what I'm talking about, kind of like these:

If I had $500+ I would buy these Pedro Garcias, because they look like they have Birkenstock soles, and I love my Birks! But alas, they are just a tad out of my price range...

I also LOVE the style of gladiator sandals that have the covered heel.

Dolce Vita Ellie sandal, $148.00
Deena & Ozzy Metal gladiator, $48.00
I know these aren't gladiators, but I absolutely love them anyway.
Dolce Vita Athena sandals, $120.00
They also come in this sweet-ass chartreuse color!
Again, slightly too expensive for my being a broke-ass college student, but I am in love with these L.A.M.B. 'Fatin' gladiators, $295.00